Wednesday, 10 April 2013


After a week in Texas, ending in El Paso, we moved on to southern Arizona.  Our first port of call there was Cave Creek Canyon Ranch, near Portal, AZ, to check out some of the local birds.
Entrance to Cave Creek Canyon, AZ (Picture from March 2008)
Many of the winter regulars (Sparrows, Finches, Woodpeckers, etc.) were there but the weather was cool, very dull grey and overcast and only the White-winged Doves photographed well.
White-winged Doves at Cave Creek Canyon Ranch, AZ (Jan 26, 2013)
After an overnight stop in Tombstone, where we ate in the saloon, but stayed out of trouble, we checked out the Twin Lakes, outside Willcox, and then we drove over to Whitewater Draw, NE of Douglas, in time to see thousands of wintering Sandhill Cranes coming in to rest.
Sandhill Cranes about to land at Whitewater Draw, AZ (Jan 27, 2013)
Sandhill Cranes at Whitewater Draw, AZ (Jan 27, 2013)
We did not see the Great Horned Owls that are often in the barn at Whitewater Draw but we had an unexpected view of an American Bittern, standing out in the open and to be easily photographed. Normally, these birds are very secretive.
American Bittern, Whitewater Draw, AZ (Jan 27, 2013)
After Whitewater, we stayed with birding friends in Sierra Vista who have lots of birds coming into their garden, including a Great Horned Owl roosting in their pines.
Great Horned Owl at roost in Sierra Vista, AZ (Jan 29, 2013)
We went on an early morning birding walk along the San Pedro River and picked up a few more species.  It was quite cool that day and the next day we awoke to snow.
Morning snow in Sierra Vista, AZ (Jan 29, 2013)
There was still snow alongside the road when we drove north on the way to the Phoenix area.
Heading towards Tucson, en route to Phoenix, AZ (Jan 29, 2013)
We stayed in the San Tan Valley, south-east of Phoenix, for several weeks, spending much of our time bird-watching and playing golf, of course.  In the vicinity are plenty of desert-loving birds and other species where agriculture or water resources provide different plants and ecological niches. A good selection of waterfowl and waders can found at the Gilbert Water Ranch, the sewage lagoons on South Higley Road near East Ocotillo, in Gilbert, and the Veterans Oasis Park, in Chandler.
Resting Black-necked Stilts at the Gilbert Water Ranch, AZ (Jan 31, 2013)
Peregrine Falcon posing for me at the Veteran's Oasis in Chandler, AZ (Jan 31, 2013). 
Anna's Hummingbird, one of many in the Phoenix area, AZ (Feb 1, 2013)
Sunset behind the San Tan Mountains, AZ (Feb 2, 2013)
Northern Pintail and Green-winged Teal, resting at the Gilbert Water Ranch, AZ (Feb 11, 2013)
Northern Shoveler at the Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, AZ (Feb 12, 2013)
Loggerhead Shrike in the San Tan Valley, AZ (Feb 22, 2013)
Western Screech Owl, sunning itself at the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve, AZ (Mar 1, 2013).
(Later, this small owl was killed by a much larger Mexican Spotted Owl)
Sage Thrasher on a dyke beside disused arable land reverted to desert, in the San Tan Valley, AZ (Mar 2, 2013)
Verdin at Boyce Thompson Arboretum, nr Superior, AZ (Mar 3, 2013)
Curve-billed Thrasher nesting in a Cholla Cactus, Boyce Thompson Arboretum, AZ (Mar 3, 2013)
An "Odd Couple" - Burrowing Owl and Snowy Egret - at the Veteran's Oasis, Chandler, AZ (Mar 4, 2013) 
Anna's Hummingbird at Boyce Thompson Arboretum, AZ (Mar 20, 2103) 
Hepatic Tanager in Madera Canyon, AZ (Mar 25, 2013)
American Kestrel in the San Tan Valley, AZ (Mar 28, 2013)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Way down south.

  In mid-January 2013, we went down to Texas to get away from the winter weather at home ...
Canada Geese at Cobourg Harbour (Dec 29, 2012)
... and to look for some special birds down there.  We were not disappointed, as shown below.
Crested Caracaras at King Ranch (Jan 21, 2013), and a White-tailed Kite on Galveston Island (Jan 19, 2013).
Green Jay at King Ranch, near Kingsville (Jan 21)
Harris's Hawk picking its teeth, at King Ranch (Jan 21)
Pauraque (a type of Nightjar), at Estero Llana State Park (Jan 23) 
Plain Chachalaca at Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park (Jan 23)
Reddish Egret at Laguna Atascosa NWR (Jan 22)
Of course, we also found many old favorites such as Sanderlings, Sandhill Cranes and Willets.
Sanderling on Galveston Island (Jan 18)
Sandhill Cranes on Galveston Island (Jan 19)
A Willet resting on Galveston Island (Jan 18)
Altogether we saw 147 bird species in Texas, including four lifers - Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Whooping Crane, Clay-colored Robin and White-tailed Hawk (below) ...
White-tailed Hawk - one of several seen around King Ranch (Jan  21) 
Great Kiskadee and Clay-colored Robin at Casa Santa Ana B & B, in Alamo, TX (Jan 22)
as well as colourful beauties like the Great Kiskadee above, and the Altimira Orioles, and the Golden-fronted Woodpecker, below.
Altimira Oriole at Casa Santa Ana B &B and Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park (Jan 22 & 23)
Golden-fronted Woodpecker at Casa Santa Ana B & B, Alamo, TX (Jan 22) 
After a week in southern Texas, staying in Galveston, Kingsville, Alamo (in the Rio Grande valley), and San Antonio, we moved westward, passing through El Paso and Las Cruces, NM, on to Arizona.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Not just another blog.

This is a new "blog" that has been started primarily as an easier way of posting some of our better photos on the web.
Greater Roadrunner (Green Valley, AZ, 2012)
Previously, we have posted many photos on various "free" photo-sharing sites, such as Flickr,  which are suitable for making significant numbers readily accessible, but they all have limitations with respect to presentation.  Hopefully, this approach will allow for better appreciation of selected photos.
Laughing Gulls
Laughing Gulls (Cape May, NJ, 2008)
Black-bellied Whistling-ducks (Venice, FL (2011)
Anna's Hummingbird, on Proctor Road (Madera Canyon, AZ, 2012)
Common Redpoll like Dandelions - who knew?  (Cobourg, ON, 2012)
There will be a strong emphasis on birds because they are a particular passion of ours but landscape and vistas also attract our photographic attention.  For example, the picture of "Dawn rising at Bosque del Apache NWR, San Antonio, NM (2008)", under the blog title above, is a favorite, as also is the view of Charleston Harbour (below), taken in February 25, 2011.
Sunrise at Charleston Harbour (SC, February, 2011)
Golfing photos will also appear from time to time to justify the pun of Tee-shots.
A stylish three-some putting it about (Englewood, FL, 2011)